Funeral Information You Can Trust
Cleveland Memorial Society
Simple. Dignified. Inexpensive.
If these are words you’d use to describe your funeral arrangements, make your intentions known to your family and friends. Through the Cleveland Memorial society’s planning process, your intentions become the guidelines that your loved ones can follow.
With a one-time $25 fee, the Memorial Society provides access to reduced-fee funeral services with one of our Funeral Directors; planning forms, newsletters and resources to assist you with the process.
Fall Newsletter 2024
Our fall newsletter is now available!
Please Note: The newsletter will not be mailed this year.
I support the Memorial Society
“I appreciate your efforts directed towards insuring that funeral costs are simple, dignified, yet inexpensive for my cremation selection.” — C.C.
Wonderful support during a time of grief.
It wasn’t until my father died that I realized what a favor he had done for us by becoming a member of the Cleveland Memorial Society. The Society offered wonderful support during a time of grief.
Thank you, Cleveland Memorial Society
“Thank you so much for all of your help. This has been the most helpful call I have made in months as I have been dealing with my friend’s illness.” - J.B.
Our Mission
Promote: To promote, through education and other means, dignity and simplicity in funeral arrangements
Plan: To plan for its members and their families either Simple Cremation or Simple Burial
Aid: To aid in the bequest of body or anatomical gifts (cornea, kidney, temporal bones) to medical science
Funeral Information You Can Trust
The Cleveland Memorial Society has nearly 6,000 members and is one of the largest memorial societies in the United States. Founded in 1948, CMS is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization.
Our work is conducted under the supervision of a board of trustees who serve a three-year term. Officers and board members are elected by the membership at our annual meeting during the fall. The officers and trustees serve without salaries.