Benefits of Membership
Since 1948, the Cleveland Memorial Society has contracted with selected funeral directors to provide access to reduced-fee funeral services at a low fixed price.
Help ease the burden on your loved ones by becoming a member of the Cleveland Memorial Society while you can still make your wishes known.
A one-time $25 fee to join the Memorial Society provides access to:
reduced-fee funeral services
planning forms
newsletters and resources
Our current prices are:
Direct cremation: $1200
Immediate burial: $1400
The funeral director may charge an additional $100.00 for each 100 pounds, or portion thereof, for cremation or burial of bodies in excess of 250 pounds. Rates are negotiated periodically, and members will pay the current rate to the funeral director at the time of death.
You can join online by completing a brief enrollment form and paying the fee by credit card, or you can print the enrollment form and mail it to us with a check. Soon after we receive your membership application, you will receive a membership packet.
Without instructions, family members may struggle to make your funeral arrangements. Grief and emotional stress make decisions more difficult — and differing views may create conflict. While loved ones may have good intentions, their choices may result in elaborate and costly funeral services — services you never envisioned — which can cause financial hardship to your survivors.
No additional pre-payment needed
At the time of your death, your family will pay for the service you selected. The prices available through our contracted funeral directors are typically lower than the fees you could negotiate on your own. The contracts and fees are negotiated every few years, and your family will pay the price that is current at the time of prices for a simple cremation or burial.